Christina’s Story

Christina’s Story

Christina (not her real name) is a mother of two young girls. Her husband controls all the family finances, where she goes, and who she speaks to. Christina has no money of her own and has to ask her husband for every cent. Even talking to us, she has to ensure her husband is not around and all our conversations are held in secret. Christina doesn’t drive and takes her children to all their after-school activities by bus or on foot. They are often so exhausted that she has to carry one or the other home.

Christina has, therefore, started attending a part-time day course at University, which her husband constantly complains about and makes her feel guilty about. Christina hopes that by having a profession, she will be able to find a good job once she graduates to support herself and her girls. In the meantime, the course books and other equipment needed for her course are expensive, and since she is a mature student, she is not entitled to a stipend. Therefore, she reached out to the Women for Women Foundation for help and support during her study period. Christina doesn’t even have a laptop and writes all her notes and does research on her phone or tablet.

Your donation will provide Christina with a small monthly amount that will allow her to complete her studies and become financially independent. Education is the best possible solution to enable women to gain financial independence, and even just a €5 donation will help Christina to complete her studies. Christina tells us, “I promise that if I get to the point where I get to where I envision myself to be, I will donate back the amount given to the foundation so other women can be helped too”.
